Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cow Reproduction

The average cow is 2 years old when she has her first calf.
Calves are fed from the cow until they are between 8 and 9 weeks old. It is essential for a calf to be fed their mothers milk from the start as it contains antibodies that protect the new calf from diseases.
Two months before giving birth, a dairy cow takes a rest from giving milk in order to grow her calf.
During this period the cow is known as a Dry Cow. When a dairy cow gives birth, this process is called a freshening. All calves are born with horn nubs. It is common for a vet to remove these nowadays.
A young female calf is called a heifer, she is called this until she has her first calf. A young male is called a bull calf.
Did you know that cows never forget their calves. It is quite common to see them licking their grown calves just as they did when they were young.

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